I went to see the RE today. He's a really nice guy and I think that I made a good choice. My wonderful husband went with me to the appointment today. The RE discussed all my issues and why I have the problems that I do. He confirmed that I do, in fact, have PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome).
I had my first ever (and I'm sure not the last) vaginal ultrasound today so that he could get a good look at my ovaries. The left side was quite large and poly cystic. The right one, however, was playing games. It ran and hid under a loop of bowel, so we couldn't see it, but the RE was sure it looked very much like the left side.
He prescribed me a round of Provera (progesterone) to bring on a cycle as I am on day 47. I have to get a whole new round of blood work that has to be done on cycle day 2 or 3 to get the most accurate results. He also wants to do a hysteroscopy
(fun times...) and a hysterosalpingogram (HSG)
(even more fun times...) to check out the plumbing so to speak. My poor hubby has to get a SA (semen analysis) done. He's not excited. He says he won't do it, but I know he will.
Please keep us in your prayers. This must be the most wanted baby ever to endure all this... I know without a doubt though, the the end result will be completely worth it.