Monday, October 5, 2009

I'm Back! (with the reason I haven't posted)

I'm not entirely sure that anyone reads this blog, but I like to think that someone does. I've been such a bad blogger lately. I haven't posted since June! There has, however, been a reason for my delay. I'm pregnant! It's truly a miracle. I am just over 16 weeks now and due on March 19th. We couldn't be more excited.

For anyone who's interested, here's how it all happened. I was sick the last week of July. Nausea, low grade fever, some other GI issues, and just generally felt horrible. I was sure I had some kind of stomach virus. I had been posting on Facebook that I felt bad, and several people kept saying that I needed to take a pregnancy test. I commented back, that there was no way I could be pregnant. I had just done a round of BCP to even bring on a cycle. I hadn't had another cycle since, but with my history, I wasn't surprised. Everyone was finally giving me enough of a complex, that I ran out for soup, crackers, and tylenol one night and decided to grab a pregnancy test too. I figured that it would be negative, like they have always been. I took my test 7/31/09 and when the digital result said "Pregnant", I about lost it. I cried and jumped around. Jason was still at work, so I had to wait several hours before I could even tell anyone. When he finally got home from work, I said, "I have something to show you..." I showed him the test, and he asked, "are you sure?". He was in shock. I took another test the next morning to double check. When it came back positive as well, I called my OB. He doesn't see patients until they are at least 8 weeks along. By date of my last cycle, I would have been 8w2d by the time they could get me in on Monday, so they made the appointment for me.

We saw Dr B. on Monday 8/3/09 for a confirmation of pregnancy appointment. I had an ultrasound and we saw our baby. I actually measured 7w3d at that point, but was not disappointed because there was no way of knowing when I ovulated. The best part about the ultrasound was seeing that little flickering heart beating. I was initially very apprehensive and afraid that they baby wouldn't "stick". So, we only told our moms and siblings initially. My goal was to tell everyone else once I reached the end of the first trimester. However, when Dr. B didn't check for a heart beat at my 12 week appointment (actually 11w3d), I decided that plan was out of the question. He doesn't routinely check for heart beats with the doppler that early because you can't always find it, and he didn't want me to worry. However, he caused me to worry. I saw Dr B again on 9/28/09 and finally heard Peanut's heart beating strong. It was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. I now feel comfortable "outing" myself to the world, and have already done so on Facebook.

I'm feeling pretty good now, and some days, have to remind myself that I am pregnant. I'm not showing as of yet(other than a little bloating) and with my morning sickness being gone, sometimes, I just don't remember. I'm already so in love with this baby. Everyone has asked if I want a boy or a girl, or if I have a feeling what it might be. I honestly don't have a feeling either way. I just want a healthy, full term baby. I will do what ever it takes to keep this baby safe and healthy. I know that some things are out of my control, but I can deal with what comes. I'm just going to do my part to keep Peanut safe.

So, from now on, I'll be posting about my pregnancy and getting ready for baby. Once the baby arrives, I'll keep posting with pictures and updates. I have my next ultrasound on 10/26/09 and we'll hopefully be finding out the gender. Until then, I may not have much to say. My OB appointments are still every 4 weeks at this point, so at this point, no news is good news :)