Wednesday, December 31, 2008

So Long 2008

I can't believe how fast this year has flown by. It's been stressful, wild, crazy, disappointing, and blessed all at the same time. I don't make resolutions because I never keep them. I am going to make some promises to myself and try my best to uphold them.
* I will truly try to eat better, exercise, and lose weight.
* I will do everything my doctor asks in order to allow myself to get pregnant this year.
* I will be better organized at home like I am at work.
* I will study for and pass my CCRN exam.
* I will continue to remember every day that I am truly blessed.

Happy New Year to everyone!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas (a little late)

Nothing new to report here. I just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. I hope you had a great one where ever you may be!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Moving On

I (finally) remembered to call my OB and reschedule my appointment. I went to see him today. Lucky me, I am the picture of gynecologic health. But really, I do love my OB. He's fabulous. We chatted about my cycles (which are still totally jacked up) and where to go from here. He gave me the names of a few fertility specialists or Reproductive Endocrinologists, so now I just need to pick one and make an appointment. Based on reviews on my insurance website and the doctor's personal websites, I think I have chosen one. I probably won't see him until after the first of the year though as our insurance carrier is changing and it will just be easier that way.
I've also come to the conclusion (as if I didn't know this before...) that my body has no clue what it's doing. I just got off an almost 60 day cycle that ended 11/11 only to have a 23 day cycle this month. I have yet to be able to use my ovulation prediction monitor. Oh well... I'm sure I'll get to use it once we start on the Clomid!