Sunday, January 25, 2009

Moody and Cranky

First off, my apologies to anyone who has had to deal with me in the last week (mostly my husband as I've been home sick). I've been back on Provera again this week to induce a cycle. It's been a while since I've had to take it and I had forgotten how if affects me. I've been soooo moody and down right cranky. Not to mention sweaty when I sleep... Ugh. To top it off, I've been sick the better part of the week. I'm sure I've just been a joy to be around :) Oh well, tonight is the last dose I have to take. Hopefully, it will bring on a cycle (it's never worked before) and we can get the blood work done for the RE. After the blood work, we'll know more about what course of treatment I will need to force my body to ovulate...

Monday, January 19, 2009

We Have a Plan...

I went to see the RE today. He's a really nice guy and I think that I made a good choice. My wonderful husband went with me to the appointment today. The RE discussed all my issues and why I have the problems that I do. He confirmed that I do, in fact, have PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome).
I had my first ever (and I'm sure not the last) vaginal ultrasound today so that he could get a good look at my ovaries. The left side was quite large and poly cystic. The right one, however, was playing games. It ran and hid under a loop of bowel, so we couldn't see it, but the RE was sure it looked very much like the left side.
He prescribed me a round of Provera (progesterone) to bring on a cycle as I am on day 47. I have to get a whole new round of blood work that has to be done on cycle day 2 or 3 to get the most accurate results. He also wants to do a hysteroscopy (fun times...) and a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) (even more fun times...) to check out the plumbing so to speak. My poor hubby has to get a SA (semen analysis) done. He's not excited. He says he won't do it, but I know he will.
Please keep us in your prayers. This must be the most wanted baby ever to endure all this... I know without a doubt though, the the end result will be completely worth it.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's Been a While

Haven't posted in a while. Not much new to report. I made an appointment to see the Reproductive Endocrinologist (here after referred to as RE). I'm seeing him on Monday, Jan. 19th at 2:30. I'm hoping that we can get moving quickly on the whole pregnancy thing shortly there after. Otherwise, things are about the same here. My niece and nephew are growing like weeds. Such sweet babies. One day, I'll have one of my own...