Sunday, October 19, 2008


It seems that the last week or so has been filled with uncertainty. I'm now on CD 34 with no signs of a period. I'm still feeling strange with bouts of random nausea and food aversions. I'm also exhausted. I don't want to test because I don't want to be disappointed. I was discussing all this with a couple of girls at work (one of which has 2 kids). They are convinced that I am pregnant this month. I really want to test, but I really don't. I've decided that if my period doesn't show up by this next Saturday (CD 40) then I will test. Since my cycle has resumed, the longest was 38 days. I'm just going to try and enjoy my trip to Las Vegas with my husband and not worry about it.
The other uncertainty that I'm facing is related to my beautiful new niece. The pediatrician at the hospital had some suspicions that she might have Down Syndrome. It takes 2 weeks for the results to come back, so we should know something by a couple of days before Halloween. Please pray for my sister, her husband, and Emily. Being a nurse, I keep looking at her and analyzing every little thing. Mostly, I'm not convinced that she does have Down's, but every once it a while, I look at her just right and think "maybe". We, of course, won't love her any less. But it still won't be an easy road if the test comes back positive for Down's.


Janette said...

I'll be praying for you!! I really hope this is your month! And I'll definitely pray for your family.

Kristy said...

I will be praying for your sister, her family and her beautiful baby girl.

I understand the fear of testing or not testing. I think with Sophia I took 9 tests within the first couple of days. I didn't believe it to be true. The line was very faint then a little brighter, then I tried some digital ones. But when the tests don't have a line, it is unbelievably heartbreaking. I am praying for you and Jason.

Anonymous said...

I hope it is your month what a wonderful birthday surpirse it would be!!!! And the holidays filled with eating whatever you'd like. So wonderful!!!