Friday, December 18, 2009

Sorry for the Absence... Things are Great Though :)

Apparently, blogging is not on top of my priority list. I knew it had been a while since I last wrote, but until it was mentioned to me by a friend, I had no idea it had been since October. I vow to try to keep up with this a little better until baby arrives.
So, I guess everyone wants to know how things are going. We had our "big" ultrasound on 10/26 (2 days after my 29th Birthday). I had started to feel like maybe this baby was a boy due to the fact that all the girls I knew that were due before me were all having boys. On top of that, my mother in law and sister in law were just certain it was a boy. Although I had secretly hoped all along for a little girl, I knew I would love a boy just the same. When we got in to the room for the scan, the tech asked if we wanted to know the sex of the baby if she could see it. We said "of course!". The ultrasound was great and we learned that we are having a little girl. Everyone else was wrong, and her mommy was right after all. Jason was really quiet during the scan and just taking it all in. I was a little afraid that he was disappointed that we weren't having a boy. He assured me that my concerns were unfounded and he was very excited about having a girl.
We got a quick start on her nursery as we were on vacation the week of our ultrasound. It's all painted and the chair rail is up on the walls. We cleaned all the junk out of the room and now are in a bit of a holding pattern. Her bedding is here, but we don't yet have a crib to put it in. We are waiting until after Christmas to buy her furniture and finish setting up her room.
At my 24 week visit with Dr B I had to do my glucose tolerance test. Having done a 2 hr before for my RE, I knew what to expect. I tried the fruit punch flavor this time and it wasn't quite as bad as the orange flavor. We heard her heartbeat going strong again and that was the extent of the appointment. My OB is very minimal with the poking and prodding which I truly appreciate. He is also a firm believer that "no news is good news" so I was told that if they didn't call me with results of my test then I could assume I passed. It's been almost 3 weeks now and no call. I'm thrilled that I don't have Gestational Diabetes. I've yet to gain much weight (only about 7-8 lbs at this point and I started with a 27 lb loss) and am finally obviously pregnant to people that don't know me at 27 weeks. I'm carrying small and high at this point. I'm sure it will all change eventually. I was a large baby (9lb 7oz and 23in long) and Jason wasn't small either. Again, I have everyone telling me she's going to be "huge". And again, I'm not feeling it. Granted, she has 13 more weeks to grow big, but right now, she's just not. She's growing well, but mother's intuition tells me that she's not going to be as big as everyone is expecting. I fully expect her to be "good sized", but don't foresee her being more than 8.5lbs at most. However, I love big healthy babies and won't have an issues with her being bigger.
I have my next appointment with Dr B on 12/29 for our 28 week visit. After that, I start seeing him every 2 weeks instead of every 4. It's hard to believe this is going by so fast. Some days it just doesn't seem real. I'm still just so amazed and so thankful that I get to be a mommy. I'm feeling well and pregnancy has treated me well thus far. I feel good other than the fact that the tiredness has returned again. She's such an active baby and seems to prefer my right side. It's very rare that I feel movement on my left. Luckily, she seems to have lost her fascination with my bladder. For a while, that was her favorite spot to kick/punch. Now it's just sporadic (thank heavens).
I think that's about all that's really been going on. It's hard to believe that Christmas is just a week away. I probably won't post again until after my next OB appointment, but I promise to be more diligent in my posting from now on. Merry Christmas to everyone.


Juli said...

Awww... A sweet baby girl. Any names yet? So glad to hear all is going well. Tell Dr. M. and everyone else we said hello, and Merry Christmas!

Lindsay said...

Thanks Juli... Her name is going to be Hailey.
I've been thinking of you guys and missing that angel. Hope you had a Merry Christmas.